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小 发表于 2007-5-13 13:21 只看该作者
Atomic Kitten -- SOMEONE LIKE ME 温暖还是寂寥?
引用:专集名:Ladies Night
歌手:Atomic Kitten

「昔日頑皮少女貓,今日水漾俏佳人」是女大18變、英國當紅女子團體Atomic Kitten最新造型曝光後唱片公司為她們寫下的眉批;在剛揭曉的英國金榜AK最新專輯【Ladies Night/水漾派對】 空降英國金榜Top5。
AK以「正面全裸三點不露」的性感造型勇敢唱失戀新歌則是另一個網路發燒話題,螢幕上只見穿得火辣短裙熱褲的麗姿、珍妮和娜塔夏三個小妮子的臉上看不出一點淚痕,只有美麗到令人讚嘆的身材裝扮。水漾的AK彷彿在告訴所有身溺心碎情緒的女孩們:「失戀也要水漾、沒有男友也要亮麗面對每一天」的“水漾精神”。 引用:试听:
点击下载 引用:Someone Like Me
Don''t let your head rule you heart
Don''t let your world be torn apart
Don''t keep it all to yourself
Just let all your emotions run free with someone like me
That''s the way it should be Someone like me
I know Its hard when you''re feeling down
To lift your feet up off the ground
We make mistakes but doesn''t everybody
You don''t always have to agree with someone like me
That''s the way it should be Someone like me
We know the story so far (what you want and who you are)
What you want and who you are (Free)
Let all your emotions run free
You don''t always have to agree With someone like me
That''s the way it should be Someone like me Someone like me 引用:点评时段:
SOMEONE LIKE ME 一直是很钟爱的英文歌。
听SOMEONE LIKE ME。那是一种忧伤的包围。又或者是潮湿的眼神。
那些似是而非的情绪。终究躲闪不开。 [ 本帖最后由 xiaosile 于 2007-5-13 02:22 PM 编辑 ]